Daily Care

To assist you with daily living by providing discreet personal care and light domestic duties at home

24 Hour Care

We offer you around the clock 24/7 continuous active care in the home


We can provide conversation in the home to help with mental stimulation, or getting out and about for some socialisation

Live-in Care

For those needing a live-in carer to assist you in living a full independent life in the comfort of your own home

Post-hospital Support

For any in-home support you need after you’ve been ill or in hospital

Respite Care

For when your main carer needs a break, we can help you

New Parents

We provide help for first time mothers who need assistance with their new baby

Daily Care

To assist you with daily living by providing discreet personal care and light domestic duties in the comfort of your home.

Daily at-home care

Would you like someone to pop in regularly to help and then take you out?

Carers can help with showering and dressing, shopping and cooking, caring for pets and plants, taking you for coffee or lunch and driving you to appointments.

Daily carers can assist with:

  • personal hygiene and grooming, showering, dressing and toileting
  • shopping and cooking nutritious meals
  • supervision of medication from Webster pack
  • monitoring diabetes and recording Blood Sugar Levels
  • companionship and social contact, driving to appointments and social outings

Who uses daily at-home care?

Anyone wanting care and support to live independently in their own home
Children who want to enable their parents to stay in their own home
Those wishing to top up the services provided by community care

Carers help the home environment feel safe and secure

  • light housekeeping – tidy, bed change and laundry, caring for pets and plants
  • managing property maintenance, electrical appliances and repairs, and purchasing household items
  • organising visits for physiotherapy, hair appointments, dentist, podiatrist, manicure etc.

We can come for a few hours in the morning or stay all day if required.

We will provide you with:

  • A carer who clearly understands your directions and instructions.
  • A care plan and task schedule detailing all duties and responsibilities to be completed during the shift
  • A monthly roster showing the name and arrival time for each carer

The same carer will arrive at the same time each shift and will complete tasks as directed. We understand that punctuality, reliability, continuity and routine are vitally important in the relationship between the Client and Carer.

At-home care to suit your needs:

  • Daily at-home care can be by the hour, by the day, overnight or live-in
  • Care can be supplied for a few days, weeks, months, or for as long as you need
  • Respite Care is ideal when your main carer needs a break

Note: Daily care is for a minimum of 3 hours per visit.

24 Hour Care

We offer you around the clock 24/7 continuous active care in the home

Around-the-clock care.  24/7 care is for those with complex medical needs who need active support 24 hours a day, and is also suitable for clients returning home following a major operation who may require 24/7 live-in care for a short time to assist in their recovery.

​Features of 24/7 care:

  • A carer is awake and on active duty for 24 hours
  • Care is usually provided for 24 hours by 3 carers on an 8 hour shift each per day
  • Multiple carers may be rostered across 3 x 8 hour shifts for 24 hours per day x 7 days per week
  • Client often has complex and more high care needs
  • Registered Nurse may be required
  • Palliative care support may be needed

Care is invoiced on an hourly basis for every hour rostered in a 24 hour period x 7 days per week.


We can provide conversation in the home to help with mental stimulation, or getting out and about for some socialisation

Companion care is designed to help people stay at home and still engage in their favourite pastimes and remain active in the community. It provides important social interaction and stimulation when loved ones cannot be there as much as they would like.

Our experienced staff can help with:

  • Going out for lunch or the movies
  • Taking you to the library or to meet a friend
  • Arranging and attending appointments
  • Reading the newspaper, sorting mail and writing letters
  • Making shopping lists and going shopping, drop-off and pickup from pharmacy
  • Encouraging active thinking
  • Monitoring general well-being and reporting any concerns
  • Reminiscing, encouraging and enabling activity
  • Talking about the person’s life and experiences
  • Talking about the person’s family, looking through photo albums
  • Doing crafts, listening to music
  • Playing games and cards, doing puzzles
  • Entertaining, such as having a neighbour or friend over for a cup of tea
  • Assisting with light exercise

Companion care is often used by family who do not live nearby, to help them keep a close eye on the health and happiness of their parents.

Live-in Care

For those needing a live-in carer to assist you in living a full independent life in the comfort of your own home

“I’d rather be at home”.

Live-in Care is for those who need one-to-one support to stay at home, retaining their dignity and independence. Live-in carers provide safety and security and are with you when you want.

This can be a great alternative to a Nursing Home – some would say the best alternative.  Your Carer can act as your personal assistant and support you with all your needs.

Who uses live-in care?

  • Those who need a bit of support and want to stay at home and enjoy their own garden and pets and still enjoy regular visits from family, friends and neighbours
  • Older couples who want to stay together at home but need a little help
  • Clients who have had a stroke, or suffer from disability diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, and Parkinson’s.

Live-in care is useful:

  • When you return home from respite care in a Nursing Home
  • After hospitalisation for a medical procedure
  • During rehabilitation following joint replacement
  • If you want to remain at home when you are ill
  • When you need a companion on an extended trip

You can have live-in home care for as long as you like – a few weeks, a few months, or more.  We have cared for some clients for years. It’s up to you.

Benefits of live-in care:

  • The comforts of home.  You sleep in your own bed, go out where and when you want, and eat the meals you choose.  If you are housebound, you have a cheerful person to keep you company. Your family and friends can visit anytime.
  • Your quality of life.  You have an experienced carer living with you 24 hours a day to help you to live life as you choose, in your own home.  A live in carer offers you one-on-one help, giving you the flexibility to do simple things like eating what and when you want, going to bed when you want, and watching what you like on television.  And of course, your beloved pets get to stay home too!
  • Feeling safe and secure.  Live-in Care is the ideal solution if you, or your parents, need support to remain in your own home and retain your independence without being a burden.  You know someone is there to look after you, cooking regular, nutritious meals and ensuring you take your medication on time. For many, having company at night offers great peace of mind.
  • Continuity and familiarity.  The benefits of allowing the elderly to retain their individuality and independence in their later years cannot be overestimated.  This is particularly true for dementia conditions where maintaining continuity and familiarity of routine is especially important. Family and friends can visit on their own schedule and can have more hands-on involvement if they so choose.
  • Relationships.  Live-in care clients are able to maintain their relationships with their chosen and familiar long-term health care professionals, and also with other personal service providers such as hairdresser, manicurist, podiatrist, physio etc.
  • A tailored care plan, delivered on a one-to-one basis, is a level of personal care that an Aged Care Facility cannot compete with.
  • Cost.  At a daily rate, live-in care is worth considering as an alternative to a Nursing Home or other care arrangements.

When it comes time to consider full-time care, making the right decision has long-term impact.  It’s worth considering whether you move to a care facility or stay at home with a live-in carer.

We encourage you to trial live in-care.  There are no commitments and no long-term contracts.  You may find that live-in care is an excellent alternative to a care facility.

Live-in care is not appropriate if:

  • You have complex care needs that may require a registered nurse
  • You wake several times a night and require assistance and/or medication
  • The carer needs to be ‘on duty’ throughout the night and cannot sleep through the night

In these situations, we can provide around-the-clock care, this service can be found under 24-hour care on Our Services page.

Post-hospital Support

For any in-home support you need after you’ve been ill or in hospital.

Do you need someone to pick you up from hospital and take care of you when you get home?

Hospital to home care is designed to do just this. We can be with you for the first few hours, the first few days or for an extended period.

On the day of discharge, your wellbeing is our priority.  We can:

  • Pick you up from hospital, drive you home and help you settle in
  • Stop at the shops to pick up some groceries and personal supplies etc.
  • Cook a nutritious meal and provide companionship
  • Make calls to family and friends to tell them you are home safely
  • Water your plants and pick-up your pets

Would you rather recover at home?

Most people are keen to leave hospital as soon as they can and return to their own familiar surroundings.

The first 72 hours are critical for post-operative patients. We can devise a plan to provide you with however much support you require to make your transition home as safe and as pleasant as possible.

Our carers can be there to manage the transition, give support and provide a friendly face.  We can:

  • Offer physical and emotional support from the same carer on an ongoing basis
  • Assist with daily living activities and personal care including showering, dressing, toileting, personal grooming and assistance with mobility aids
  • Prompt you to take medications at the prescribed times
  • Give relaxing hand and foot massages
  • Get you get back on your feet by encouraging regular exercise
  • Supervise prescribed exercise and recuperative regimes from physio etc.

A return home usually means the beginning of a whole new routine

One of the leading causes of hospital readmission and slow recovery is the lack of care and support following discharge.  Being prepared can make the difference between a successful transition home and the risk of hospital readmission.

Our carers can also help you with:

  • Light housekeeping, changing bed linen, and doing some laundry
  • Meal preparation and cooking nutritious meals
  • Taking you shopping, or taking your list and doing the shopping for you, bringing it home and putting away, picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy
  • Helping you with your mail and assisting you with paying bills and managing medical benefit claims
  • Escorting you to medical appointments, hydrotherapy and exercise programmes, chemo and radiology, social outings, hairdresser, bank, post office etc.
  • Providing companionship and security for you and peace of mind for your family

Hospital to Home Care offers an ideal solution for those who need support until they are fit and confident enough to resume their normal lifestyle.

Additional services:

  • Before you arrive home we can liaise with the hospital occupational therapist and social worker
  • We can be at your home to receive a new bed or electric chair, shower chair etc. or if you need some home modifications such as safety rails fitted in your bathroom
  • We can make sure everything is fresh and clean prior to your arrival home by tidying the house and providing a change of bed linen and towels
  • We can make sure the environment is safe by checking all electrical appliances and also check that radio and television are working

Respite Care

For when your main carer needs a break, we can help you.

Does your carer need a break?

We all need a break from time to time.  Carers and Companions can provide respite care when needed, enabling your carers to take a break while you remain in your own home.

Are you a carer for someone you love?  Do you need a break?

It’s not always so easy when you are the main carer, but everyone needs a change of scenery and to recharge their batteries.  We can help with respite care. The routine can remain the same.

For over 25 years we have been providing Sydney families searching for respite care with live-in carers to minimise the disruption while the main carers take a break.

  • The familiar circle of family and neighbours can still call in to say hello when they choose
  • Nutritious meals are provided
  • Medications are prompted
  • Clean sheets are on the bed
  • Pets and plants fed and watered
  • Social outings and appointments maintained

We make finding appropriate care easier.  If you would like to make the processes easier and ensure a smooth transition, our carer can arrive a day or two prior so they can learn how things are done.  Our aim is to reduce any stress and disruption.

New Parents

For new mums who need a helping hand.

The days and weeks after the arrival of a new baby are some the most emotionally and physically demanding of our lives. First time mums might be learning to breastfeed, starting to understand what each type of cry means and becoming comfortable in this new, wonderful but totally overwhelming role. Experienced mums may have known what they were in for but are balancing the needs of their newborn with the demands of their existing young family.

Friends and family dropping in can be a pleasure but also exhausting and even if everybody brings a casserole, somehow no-one remembers to do the washing up. There’s the shopping, cooking, cleaning, walking the dog, getting older siblings to school on time all whilst physically recovering from the birth and trying to catch a precious few hours of sleep between feeding.

Many hospitals have started offering a hotel discharge service so that new parents can leave the ward without the immediate demands of running a household. For those who want or need to get back to their own homes right away, Carers and Companions offers the New Parent service.

Like a hotel, we can make sure everything is fresh and clean prior to your arrival and offer “room service”. The difference is that the room will be your room and the surroundings familiar. We can help with caring for older siblings, getting you to post-natal care appointments, liaising with the obstetrician and/ or paediatrician and generally making sure that you recover, recuperate and rejuvenate.

We can make sure that your first few days and weeks as a new parent are about getting to know your new baby and getting as much rest as possible.

If you know when you’re expecting, we can be on-call for whenever the moment arrives.